
Http verb - GET


invoiceGuid - string - Unique identifier of the invoice.



    "StatusCode": 0,

    "Data": {

        "Id": "5fa579ba-5756-4bb8-b143-87089cadcbab",

        "Description": "test",

        "MerchantCurrency": "gel",

        "CustomerCurrency": "ltc",

        "MerchantAmount": 100.00000000,

        "CryptoAddress": "LXLiRgieBxyCbsbJnywMoRxFz6DrnAsq9B",

        "IssueDate": "2023-07-06 22:01:56 +04:00",

        "IssueDateUnixTime": 1688666516,

        "DueDate": "2023-07-06 22:06:56 +04:00",

        "DueDateUnixTime": 1688666816,

        "Url": "",

        "Status": 15


    "Message": null


Response Description

Id - Guid - Unique identifier of the created invoice

Description - string - Description of invoice

MerchantCurrency - string - Currency of merchant

CustomerCurrency - string - Currency of client

MerchantAmount - decimal - Invoice total amount

CryptoAddress - Crypto address generated for invoice

IssueDate - string - Invoice creation date in ISO 8601 format

IssueDateUnixTime - int - Invoice creation date as Unix timestamp

DueDate - string - Invoice due date in ISO 8601 format

DueDateUnixTime - int - Invoice due date as Unix timestamp

Url - string - Url of Invoice receipt 

Status - int - Status of invoice request

