

apiKey - string - Merchant API key

amount - decimal - Invoice total amount in Georgian Lari

description - string - Invoice description



"Message": "Success",

"Data": {

"InvoiceGuid": "4c112345-b29f-4666-a2ad-723872326aeb",

"Amount": 1.2,

"Description": "Book by Alber Camus: Stanger",

"IssueDate": "2020-04-13T23:11:42.0042931+04:00",

"IssueDateUnixTime": 1586805402,

"DueDate": "2020-04-13T23:11:42.0042931+04:00",

"DueDateUnixTime": 1586805402,

"Url": ""


"ErrorCode": 0


Response Description

InvoiceGuid - string - Unique identifier of the created invoice

Amount - decimal - Invoice total amount in Georgian Lari

Description - string - Invoice description

IssueDate - string - Invoice creation date in ISO 8601 format

IssueDateUnixTime - int - Invoice creation date as Unix timestamp

DueDate - string - Invoice due date in ISO 8601 format

DueDateUnixTime - int - Invoice due date as Unix timestamp

Url - string - Url to invoice details' page


/api/v1/createInvoice/?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&amount=1&description=Coca cola